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Moo cards

Friday, March 30, 2007

Moo is damn cool. They print 100 half size business cards on nice satin card using images from your Flickr account for £9.99. The best thing is you can have 100 different images on the cards with your own personalised contact details on the reverse.

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Mojiti - Now with added editing

One of the pieces of technology I like demoing is a video sharing engine that can record video directly to the server via a webcam. Digital Natives don't get impressed by technology so easily these days, but offering such a simple video based contribution platform is very slick. My only issue with the end product is that the video created goes live unedited. As someone who has problems leaving answerphone messages in 'one take' I suffer trying shoot a few minutes of video.

However now Mojiti the company who produced the tool that allows YouTube users to add subtitles to their videos have updated their tool to allow video editing too. I really think this will revelutionise how we contribute video online and will drive video based blogging. Great timing for Video Blogging week

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