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Productivity enhancements for OS X mail

Friday, April 27, 2007

I've always liked Mail because it's fast and reliable, but one of the jobs I've never got around to is pimping the interface to make it more usable - until now thanks to being inspired by this screenshot on Flickr.

The components used to create this set up are:

Mailtags - tagging messages and making them time sensitive
Letterbox - provides a three column layout

and lastly the use of smart mailboxes to give fast access to useful messages.

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Let's talk about sex....

Monday, April 23, 2007

Pornography is generally hidden away from the sanitised statistics relating to web usage, but last October UK Internet users toppled pornography off it's throne of the most 'hit' UK content through their increasing use of search engines. This month in America where 13% of all web hits are to porn related sites and only 7% to search engines, social networking is about to do the same.

It's not surprising that these technologies are so successful as search and conversation have driven the Web 2.0 movement, but it is surprising that whilst the porn industry has historically embraced new distribution channels it only recently seems to have become interested in utilising social networks.

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